How to understand an earning site real or fake?

Currently, online earning has created a lot of buzz. There are many avenues to earn money online. However, there are also scammers who deceive people, causing many to lose interest in online work, while others fall into their traps and get scammed.

Today, I will share how you can identify whether an earning site is real or fake. By applying the methods I will discuss, you can have a 95% chance of distinguishing between genuine and fake earning sites. The remaining 5% requires your own judgment and caution.

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How to recognize real and fake earning sites

There are many ways to identify real and fake earning sites, and we might be aware of them. However, we often do not apply them consistently. Therefore, it is important to stay vigilant. Below, I will list the methods in points.

Search on YouTube

You know that YouTube is the largest video platform. You can find videos on almost everything by searching there. If you're starting work on an online site, first search for the site's name on YouTube. When searching, focus on two things:

What is said about the site in videos: 

This is the first step. Pay attention to what YouTubers are saying about the site. Don't just watch videos from one or two popular YouTubers; 
watch at least 10 videos, including those from smaller YouTubers. Identify any inconsistencies in their comments. If there are none, the site passes the first step; otherwise, analyze further steps carefully.

What people are saying in the video comments: 

Sometimes, YouTubers might avoid mentioning negative aspects due to sponsorships, or sites might create their own channels to promote themselves. To understand the site's true quality, check what people are saying in the comments.

Search On Google 

I hope there's no need to introduce you to Google. Simply search for the site's name on Google. Then, look for content about that earning site on other websites. If you find any, pay attention to what they say in the content and what people are commenting. You need to check all these aspects to get a clear understanding of the site's authenticity.

Search On Facebook

When a new earning site enters the market, their first target is often to promote themselves on Facebook since almost everyone uses it. Whether new or old, you will find posts about any earning site in groups, pages, or posts. Your job is to see what is being said in these groups or posts and what people are commenting.

Since Facebook allows direct communication, if you see many negative comments, message or reply to 3-4 people to ask about the site. If over 50% of comments are negative, it’s best to avoid the site altogether.

Do not Deposit

There are some earning sites that require you to make a deposit before you can start earning. My strong advice is to avoid these sites. Often, after you make a deposit, the site disappears. However, if a trusted friend or acquaintance has successfully used such a site and earned more than their deposit, you can consider it but still follow the previous three steps to verify.

Most deposit-required sites are scams. Therefore, unless you are 100% sure, do not deposit money into these sites to start earning.

Income by Watching Ads

Earning money by watching ads is quite risky. Many of these sites might give you some money initially, but once they profit enough, they tend to disappear suddenly. Around 90% of these sites are usually scams. Therefore, I highly recommend avoiding such sites.

Earning Form the App

Here's a bonus tip for you. It's about earning from apps. Nowadays, the Play Store is flooded with apps claiming to pay you for doing some online tasks. But do they actually pay? The answer is yes, but not all of them. Only a very few apps are genuine, and they do pay, but their numbers are quite small.

So, this was about ways to identify whether today's earning sites are real or fake, especially useful for those looking to start working online or who have doubts after being scammed once. If you spot any errors or misconceptions in this post, kindly point them out in the comments from a forgiving perspective.